Monday, June 25, 2012

Back to the basics of temporary shelters

  There are many ways to build a short term shelter and I will cover only a few to start with..
Imagine things all of a sudden go down to emergency status and you come home from work to find out you have nothing left. As horrifying of a scenario this is, it can happen.
you have nothing left but what you managed to successfully stockpile, and now you have to live on the items you prepared for this situation. What have you managed to accumulate? How long will it last?
Most importantly, what scenarios have you prepared for? Fire, Flood, Hurricane, Tornado, or Earthquake.. you will need to prepare the best you can think of for your region. There is always a risk of losing your primary location choice for your preps, if you only have one spot to stock and store it all, you can lose it all in one shot. How many places can you scatter your storage, in case of a disaster, or someone strong-arming and taking over your primary prep and safety zone and taking all of your preparations in one shot? We have all seen the way people act in a dire emergency, most people go back to animal-like  roots for survival and  there is no reasoning with a scared, and starving desperate mob. Only the people who know when to turn tail and retreat to back-up preparations and disappear in silence will have the best chances to see tomorrow.

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