Thursday, December 18, 2014

There are always questions and understandable concerns.

 There are always the questions like "What am I going to", "Where am I going to start", " How or can I do this?"  With or without a
family the first things you will need to cover when starting prepping, or emergency preparation are water at 2 Gallons per person per day,
1 Gal for drinking and 1 Gal for cooking, i.e. instant foods, mashed potatoes, MREs, Ramen noodles,instant pancake mix and so forth for
that hurried rush away from possible Looters, hungry and violence creates and no limit monster where a person used to be. at least a
gallon each of water for Fido, Fluffball, or 1/2 gal for Crazy dave the rat or Hamster.

 The Military regulates food for our troops at 2500-3500 calories per day for excessive increased activities such as War-Time
marching/hiking/running, extended walking and traveling,  Shelter and camp building and security fortifications. Withou that high calorie
intake many of these things would not be possible or would be very limited and slow causing the troops and soldiers to be exposed to
potential incoming fire and exposing of position to the enemy fire.

 Without that high caloric intake many of these things would not be possible in the least, or would be crucially limited in critical times.
those along with an emergency first aid pack to tend minor injuries and avoid infection leading to possible death if untreated is a
medium soft sided First aid pack including compact peroxide, rubbing alcohol at 91% (or the highest available in your area),gauze,
waterproof tape, popsicle finger splints,Instant Ice or Heat Packs, Neosporin, Blood Clotting agent or Cayenne pepper powder is also an excellent clotting agent,
butterfly bandages, clean rags, finger condoms or water proof and sterile rubber gloves S,M.L.XL, disease and surgical face masks,
Heavy gauze wrap, High proof booze for  trauma wound cleaning and pain numbing, steely rod for cleaning and cauterizing larger wounds,
and at least a sewing needle and thread kit.

 Your best case scenario when buying a first aid kit is to thouroughly read the included packed component BEFORE BUYING it and add
anything that is missing next to it to add in later on while you are there in the first aid aisle. Dont go home thinking you can come back for it because those
few moments you think you may have saved could be the moments in which a major catastrophe could happen and returning to the store
may no longer be an option, possibly ever again dependin on the events leading up to it. NEVER trust any pack to have what you need
without examining it thouroughly,  and ALWAYS rifle through the contents actually included inside with a full inspection of what it actually contains and catalog every
single component so when you have the ability to replace or refill it you can carry a compact list on you at all times.
Make sure your new bag has plenty of empty and expansion slots to add in any new and additional components later on and you can add
in any family, friend, and pet medications all together in one easy to find medical location without havin to dig and search in
crucial moments.

Memorize and write down any Asthma Inhalers, Insulin injections, and write down each  family members needs and
medical schedules, needs and routines for 30 days and try to continue these as much normalcy as possible to ease the transition and adapting
into your new way of living, to ease the stress on each and everyone like you cannot just drop a new fish in an aquarium, You have to open
the bag and let him sit in it until he is ready to swim out into his new environment after he get used to the new water temps and chemicals
gettin ready for his new life preventing sudden shock and stress leading to illness and even eventual death in extreme cases and ultimately
easing things on yourself. Just like the fish people and all animal have accustiome ways of living and habit that are not easy to Change.
We all need a transitional period as well to protect our mental health and well being. Gentle transitions are always the best way to go when possible.

Until Next Time... Be safe and Happy prepping!

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