Wednesday, April 18, 2012

In the Beginning..

Of all the ways to make it in this world, many things remain constant no matter the situation. One thing is, You have to have a drive, or will to survive. Which requires the ability to adapt and overcome any obstacle that happens to come your way. You have to be willing to not only adapt, but learn. Many TV shows are out now that are driving the public mind to thinking of what most like to think will never happen. The thought of a possibility that things aren't as stable as we would like to think and believe. The thought of the rug being pulled from under our feet, the support we have all grown accustomed to in the form of driving down to the local supermarket to get the evenings dinner ingredients, or to go to the local fast food restaurant to get a meal that requires no more effort than to pull out our money and we will get a meal in return. Cooking at home seems to be a fading trend, making a meal from scratch, growing, and harvesting your own food, obtaining water,  etc all things our ancestors had to know, to survive with nothing. We all live where any natural disaster can happen at any given time and we can learn this fading art together. I am researching many ways to make do with nothing, from the beginning and will post  as I learn new methods trials, successes, failures, info and more. So many companies which provide an "Emergency Food Survival Kit".  With all of these options, who is to know which one is the best for you? Gardening methods,.. are you in an apartment or a 1,000 acre farm? Which one will best suit you, and your requirements? "Where do I find this stuff", "Where do I start" No one can think of everything at once, so I will try to explore all possibilities and options hopefully shedding some light on all that I can and providing some info and insight on what I encounter...and learn.

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