Saturday, April 21, 2012

What would you like to see here in the future?

Hello All,

 This entry is going to be somewhat off topic, as I would like know what directions my potential audience would be interested in seeing my blog, reviews, and suggestions venture towards with my instructional progression. I would like to test and review many of the different products that are out for the growing prepper community, with possible suggestions for whatever may suit your possible needs and situation/preparation style. I would like to review many different items such as long term stock foods, emergency fire starters, and many other supplies, with my future how-to videos, and other informative additions I can make to this blog. Please make your suggestions in the comment box below for others to see. What would you like to see covered and discussed in future entry's?


  1. I really like what you have written so far and I feel that your theme to start is water, how to get it, and how to make it safe, since water is the first thing we will need, so I say focus on that. How much to keep for each person for say 2 weeks, how to make a biosand filter, and the best water to use to filter.

  2. I appreciate your feedback and concern, The water can be obtained in rivers, lakes, by rain , or where ever you can find it. Once it goes through a properly made bio-sand filter, it will be safe enough to drink. The most common recommendation for water conserving includes drinking, and cooking, and recommended at a minimum of 2 Gallons per adult per day. Once I can accumulate enough of an income from this site I will be able to buy the parts, and put together a shopping list and create a How-To video on building the complete one at home. One can be built out of a (Brand new)55 gal plastic trash can from a local store, or as big as you want. I plan on building two different sizes for this blog and viewers, One out of a New plastic trash can, and one out of a couple of 200+ gal large plastic containers that have the steel frame and is ready to move by forklifts and etc.. I thank you for this question, and If you have any other questions please don't hesitate to ask.


Please be courteous, and respectful. I have readers from all over the world, and of all ages. :)