Saturday, August 25, 2012

Please Help the fundraiser

My name is Bret Hager and I desperately need your help today to make a life-changing event happen. I have been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis am now Disabled and cannot work anymore. I still lack the funds to cover all our expenses. Unfortunately I don't have much to offer but some personal time teaching what many things I have hard learned in many different trades and survival Time is ticking - please help our dream come true by donating by December 16th!
This is incredibly important as it will immediately impact the future of our well being and safety. My MS causes me to be unable to do a lot of things that I used to to do. My speech and ability to walk are noticeably impaired, my legs are weak, shaky and I can collapse at any time, feel like they are being burned and electrocuted at random all day, every day. and I have no transportation to my now frequent Dr Appts, My meds for the MS are $4300 for a 30 day supply of daily injections which I will be on for lifs. I am now waiting at least a year for the disability application to go through and find out if I have even been approved. I have been weeks without my meds and need them and a vehicle for transportation as soon as possible. I have always done and been used to manual labor jobs and refused welfare. I can no longer provide for myself and family anymore. I have no choice anymore but to go this route in desperation. The money raised here will go towards a vehicle to my many, many, frequent Dr appts, towards a home for my family and I, and some will go towards finding a cure for Multiple Sclerosis. My daily symptoms consist of tremors and shaking, painful muscle spasms, my legs feel frequently at random like someone is burning them with a lighter or a cigarette and electrocuting me at the same time. When I try to walk even with a cane my legs try to collapse underneath me. My MRI showed many lesions and my Dr.s put in my report I easily have 20 lesions on each hemisphere of my brain. I cannot expose myself to extreme temps (Hot or Cold) anymore or it will cause more lesions and re-hospitalize me.

I currently rent and never know one month from the next how long I can keep it up.
Please help us give us a stable home and a way to keep up my very important medical needs..”

I have a survival/storm preparation blog at

You can donate at fundrazr
Please help..

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