Friday, May 18, 2012

New random ideas

I get random ideas from time to time, and my latest is a 12 volt water pump powered by a car battery to consistently pump water from  my rain catches, to a Bio sand filter. On a good rain with a good setup you can catch  hundreds of gallons of free water yo run through you filter. My plants don't respond well to city treated water so the catches benefit me frequently. the main dilemma for them is all of the leaves and other unwanted materials in my freshly caught rainwater. I am thinking over and will build a cheap as possible system to filter enough to water my plants leaving the needed minerals in it for my plant and in the same pre-filtering my water for the drinking filter. My thought is to initially run a common screen that is removable for annual cleaning when full from the initial water pickup point, then a another finer small sand filter ( 1 gallon sized) for anything that would damage the pump, and a vertical pipe straight up about 3 feet to the pump. I still have to work on the final details and could use some additional ideas and possible problems I may not be thinking about, but this is definitely something I think would be very beneficial to a home built water system with different accessible steps of level of filtration for a variety of uses.  I will start building these filters and systems with video as soon as funds allow me to (hopefully in only a few days).

Please feel free to contribute thoughts and questions in the comment box below..

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        Be Safe and Happy Prepping!

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