Sunday, May 13, 2012

Days may be numbered here

Things have been pretty hectic lately and I  have been unable to get on and have time to make any posts. Things for this blog have been looking very grim, and I have been looking for means for another way of income since this site hasn't netted me one dime. I'm doubting my efforts here and the 12 hour days I have spent here researching and trying to bring the best info possible and cutting time from my family to bring up a blog to have some sort of income coming in. Not one dime has come in from this site and I don't know how I can bring more here without something coming in. I can't buy the stuff to build and my efforts for progress here are costing too much. So unless I can make this blog bring enough to help pay my bills and some goodies to bring to it. I will be forced to shut it down and keep my info to myself. My family comes first. I have begged my  friends and family to spread the word about this blog to hopefully bring some new viewers and funds and it seems to be failing anyway. with only about a handful of viewers. Unless something starts happening here, the death of this site is coming. If things start to pick up and come together, I will have tons more to bring and looking forward to a very progressive future. To put things bluntly, my ads are 1/3, the Donate Button is 1/3, and the youtube is 1/3 of my anticipated income from this site. I gotten nothing from anything. It's like working a job for  month and you never get paid. Bills are stacking up and somethings gotta give and I really don't want to shut this down.  It's up to my traffic and income.
We'll see how things go...

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